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Saturday, July 30, 2022

A Thought Related to Gangster Games

Some time back I posted photos of my Prohibition Era gangster stuff - unpainted - with a layout for a town.  Since then I've conceived of the notion of having the board set up with all of the buildings on the 'far' side of the street and the street itself being the 'gaming space' with just the sidewalk and parked cars and 'scatter terrain' on the nearest side of the board. Possibly do this so that there are three streets - the Main Street, one side street, and then the street on the far side of the table (with maybe an ally down the middle but not really included in the gaming space).  Doing it that way can lead to some cool car chase scenes to add to the action, especially swerving around the corners.  Will have to dig that stuff out and see how it might work.

In the meantime, I've kept my eye out for additional cars and trucks to add in and other items to 'decorate' the streets.

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