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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Practice Game - More Photos

This is an overall shot of the board laid out and ready to start play, roughly 5' x 6', again this is half length versus the convention game.
The extemporized town for the practice game with a few stands of civilians milling about.
The native village and the herd of cattle.
The minor fortification - don't know why the image turned blue, probably some quirk of lighting.
An action shot.  The dark blue marker indicates a charge declared, the light blue marker the target of the charge, targets can counter charge or stand and fire.
Another action shot.  The green marker indicates a morale reduction, brown would be routing.  The bottom unit shows how colored tufts identify a specific six stand unit.  The red chip meant some serious damage was done - my casualty figures were not ready to go.
Another shot, with many casualty caps.  The white marker means that unit will have to perform a morale check during the appropriate sequence.

And a last action shot.  That gray marker on the right means that unit has fallen to half strength and can no longer attempt to rally.

Now I need to get back to work on painting furiously to get more units ready for the convention version of this game!  One full command of six units with command and casualty figures just needs last texturing and labelling.  Hopefully several more commands will be done in time.

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